Monday, January 25, 2010

The Beauty of Worship

I think one of the greatest things I get to witness as a worship leader is simply to see people worship. No matter where I am, no matter who is worshiping, from kids to youth to adults, worship is a beautiful thing. It transcends style and preference, because the Object of our worship transcends everyone and everything. He is the most lovely, and so watching His people worship Him will always be a beautiful, wondrous thing. True worship unites us in ways that can't be broken. Styles of music, styles of dress, even styles of speech all get lost and become inconsequential in the presence of true worship. I've watched all ages unite in worship in a church service as well as out in the world doing acts of service, and I've yet to see it when it didn't cause me to pause and lift my own heart in worship. How great a God we serve when even our worship of Him draws us into His presence! Imagine what the world would say if we lived that worship every moment of our lives, no matter who we were with or where we were. If nothing else, they would have to stop and say that what we believed, and perhaps even Who we believed in, was real.

I can remember just a short while ago driving through Pensacola and seeing graffiti on signs and buildings that said, "You're Beautiful." In a world obsessed with it's version of beauty, I ask you this. Which is more beautiful, that skinny model or actress on a magazine cover OR the person who's so consumed in worship that it spills out in everything they do? Give me the worshiper every time. I've observed worship all over the country and even out of the country. It doesn't matter whether I understand the language or not, it doesn't matter whether it's north or south, east or west, worship remains the same because our God remains the same, and true worship is a beautiful thing. My hope and prayer for you today is that you have the chance to witness that beauty today, in your own life and even in the lives of others.

Live worship, Love the One we worship, every moment of every day.